
Areas to explore 

I’ve been to the Vatican twice and the view from the Cupola – Basilica Papale di San Pietro ( St. Peter’s Basilica )- the dome of the Vatican, is etched in my mind’s eye and is subsequently one of the best pictures I’ve ever taken.

But do go to the sights the tourist blogs and magazines tell you about. The Romans are responsible for so much of what we see in the modern world today – good and bad – from the church to class system, that why it’s important to understand their history.


Most memorable moment  

That climb to the top of the dome at the Vatican was one of the scariest and most fulfilling things I’ve ever done. It was so hot that the walls were sweating and dripping, it was so tight and narrow that I started feeling claustrophobic. At some point I saw my mom walk past me and she told me to keep going. I couldn’t breathe, I didn’t know how far I still had to go and couldn’t turn back as there’s only one entrance and one exit – I had to calm my mind and keep walking. My mom and sister were also experiencing their own internal crises on that walk up ti the dome. Once we got to the top though, it was heaven. Views like no other, crisp air and a sense of accomplishment that couldn’t be rivalled. So symbolic of life itself.


Greatest memory
Having gelatos with my mom and sis around the Trevi Fountain 


How to get around 

Save money and take the Hop On, Hop Off tourist bus (you can buy a pass for more than one day). Taxi drivers in Rome refuse to speak English and have a tendency to be curt with customers. The touristy bus is great for getting around Rome because it goes to most popular sites and they speak English. Leave the heels at home Abeg, cobbled stones are a stilettos archenemy, especially because you’ll be walking everywhere.

What/where to eat 

Everything. Eat everything! And when you’re done eating, start thinking about your next meal. The most mind blowing food experiences of my life have been in Italy. In Venice I had a positively glorious pizza stagioni, in Rome I had a religious experience with a spaghetti vongole. Seriously, eat everything and drink pinot grigio, you’ll walk it off.


Any tips for new travellers 

  • Forget your figure. Just eat
  • Prepare to have Italian men make moves on you all the time and;
  • Pretty please, wear shoes with rubber soles. You’ll thank me later.